My newest book was released in March, in Norwegian, with the title Improvisasjon i klasserommet - frigjør superkraften (Improvisation in the classroom - release the superpower). Publisher is Universitetsforlaget in Oslo (The University Press). My goal is to contribute to bring improvisational skills and mindset to all schools and classrooms in the world, and I am aiming for an international edition for the book. In this blogpost you can get more information about the process, and access to a test translation.

My planned release-event had of obvious reasons to be postponed, so instead i produced a release movie, where I speak about the book and read some parts. You can see the recording here, with subtitles in English:
I have hired a traslator to translate the first 30 pages into English. This way you can have a look. Please don't publish the file in any public pages, but feel free to forward it or share the link with publishers/agents that might be interested in a lokal edition. Translation into other languages than English is of course also of interest. I appreciate all kind of feedback, please send me some words with my contact form if you download the file. You'll find the test translation here. (Link to Dropbox). Thank you for reading and thanks for the interest!