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Å lese og å skrive er to sider av samme sak. For meg er det inspirerende å få jobbe med andres bokprosjekter som konsulent!
Text| Writing

There is a number of offerings on I am happy to read and give feedback on texts in progress. This is primarly a service in Norwegian, but if you have something you want me to work on, please contact me. I am happy to give feedback on texts meant for oral presentations, and do also coach you in presentation skills.

Å snakke foran en forsamling er det mange frykter mest av alt. Når jeg underviser i presentasjonsteknikk handler det om frykthåndtering - og å jobbe med et positivt selvbilde og skape indre ro. Ikke minst styrke troen på at din stemme er verdt å lytte til!
1:1| Presentation skills

I am training teachers and students i presentation skills through the course "Safe in front of the class". This is a kind of coaching I also offer on an individual basis. We are working with all connected topics, as stress handling, and reduction of fear, or as help for experienced lectureres who wants to take their presentations to a new level.

Panelsamtale om ungdomslitteratur i regi av Foreningen Les! / Prosa høsten 2019. F.v.: Sophie Elise Isachsen, Guri Fjeldberg, Erik Møller Solheim
Meetings| Host - debate management

I am an experiences debate leader / meeting leader / host / interviewer.

I will help you design content for your event, as suggesting participants and formulate angels. Please contact me for an offer.

New jobs are exiting, and I work with everything connected to communication and meetings between people.
If you want to use me, send a few words in this contact form, or use this contact information:

Telefon / Phone:​

(+47)  47 39 31 83

Kontakt / Contact:

Følg meg / Follow me:

© 2019 Moltubak Media og Undervisning. 

Org. nr.: 998 424 062

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